Linear Amplifiers

MACOMs linear amplifiers offer high IP3, power up to 2.5 W and are offered in a variety of DIE and package types to simplify point-to-point wireless, SATCOM/VSAT, and radar system design.

Part Number Description
MAAM-011139 Driver Amplifier
XP1026-BD Power Amplifier
MAAM-011361 High Gain High Linearity 0.5 W Driver Amplifier
MAAM-011167 E-Band Medium Power Amplifier, 71 - 86 GHz
MAAP-011106 E-Band Power Amplifier
XP1027-BD Power Amplifier
MAAP-015024-DIE Power Amplifier, 8W
XP1017-BD Power Amplifier
MAAM-010373 Broadband CATV Amplifier
MAAM-011302 High Gain High Linearity 0.5 W Driver Amplifier
MAAM-011322 Driver Amplifier
MAAM-011117 Broadband, Low Distortion, 75 ohm, 5V RF Amplifier
MAAP-011060 Power Amplifier Module
MAAM-011324 Driver Amplifier